Monday, September 26, 2011

34 Weeks, 5 Days

I love being productive. I was able to knock out several errands today before making it to an appointment right on time. I replaced the batteries in the mobile that was given to us and it's up on the crib ready to go. We may not like it that much (it doesn't come even close to matching anything else in the nursery), but we figure if it ends up entertaining the little guy, it can't hurt. And if he couldn't care less about it, we won't be out any $$ if we put it away or donate it.

I feel like we're in the home stretch of being ready. Everything we don't have at this point is mostly icing. But we also don't have a changing pad... something not crucial but is desirable and we'll get at some point. And we thought about putting the car seat bases in (and having them checked at the local police department), but we were going to get seat protectors so we're holding off for now on the bases. We're 5 weeks from our due date, and the recommendation is to do it at 3 weeks to go, so we're fine waiting. Both cars have light leather interior so we're pretty sure those protectors will come in useful. We bought replacement parts online for the pack and play we picked up last weekend at a garage sale; we were missing a support bar and the mobile. The latter wasn't crucial by any means but it completes it so that and the bar are on their way.

We have two pediatrician interviews this week, and hopefully we'll be 2-and-done on those.

I'm feeling good, for the most part. Baby is still barrel rolling, but -- fingers crossed -- he seems to have settled just a bit. Also fingers crossed he's settled head down. Maybe we'll find out at our doctor's appointment this week. If he isn't head down then I guess he better keep moving around! :) I've had labor dreams the past two nights. Hopefully that's because I've been thinking a lot more about going into labor lately and not because the baby is mentally preparing me for arriving. He still has some cooking to do.

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