Sunday, July 29, 2012

Almost 9 Months!

It's been a while since I posted. In that time Jack has gone from sitting up... to crawling... and now pulling up all over the place! It's amazing to see him get stronger and more coordinated every day. It was just last week he started getting comfortable pulling up, but only in certain places. The last 36 hours he's everywhere. He pulls up on the coffee table and a standing toy, but doesn't stop there. The couches, the swing, the jumperoo, stools, the door. Luckily he's gotten better at not falling over once he gets up. Also luckily he seems to have no issue getting himself down. Sometimes it's more graceful than other times, but he gets the job done.

Solids are still iffy. Sometimes he eats, sometimes he doesn't. He's gotten really good at eating at school, polishing off whatever I send. At home, even the very next day, he may take one or two bites and then bail on it. I try not to get frustrated. But sometimes it's hard! I'm good about taking a break and grabbing a snack myself, or playing games with him in the high chair when I feel my pulse go up. I also know better than to force the issue, because that certainly isn't going to turn out well for either of us!

We're trying to push bedtime past 6:00... to 7 or 7:30. Tonight I put him down at 7 after he rubbed his eyes during storytime... and he stayed awake playing by himself for another hour. Silly boy.

It's so amazing seeing him grow and develop. It's bittersweet! He sleeps through the night most nights... but I do miss my little swaddled up baby boy sometimes. Though I do love going in and seeing that sweet little face with little round cheeks giving me a big grin when I come to get him in the morning!