Tuesday, September 20, 2011

33 Weeks, 6 Days (and 23 Hours)

I feel v-e-r-y pregnant. When people ask when the baby is due and I tell them 6 weeks -- they're shocked. "You're so tiny!" I hear a lot. And that's great, really, I'm so lucky. I know that. But I don't know if it's because I'm carrying this baby like a basketball... but I am suddenly so uncomfortable. I don't sleep all that well, and I swear this little guy is trying to stretch his way out of my uterus. Or hiccup his way out. Ha! But seriously -- at some point he gets too crowded to be moving around a lot, right? Right?? Here's hoping. I am sure he's going to come out with well-defined muscles.

We got our Bob stroller! I'm thrilled! I feel like it's the last big piece of the puzzle. In addition to the crib mattress getting checked off last week, we snagged a pack-and-play at a tag sale over the weekend. Our friends have also sent along some awesome gifts for the little one that we're really excited about. That includes our diaper bag! And the most adorable "Peanut the Elephant" activity pal. I hope our little guy loves it as much as I do.

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