Wednesday, August 17, 2011

29 Weeks

We're at 29 weeks today! My birthday was yesterday, and we were able to spend a low-key long weekend at the beach with some family. Yesterday morning I woke up with a super tight contraction. My BH contractions don't really come and go, they come and my uterus stays hard until I drink water and sit or lay down. Sometimes I'll get them when I get up in the middle of the night, I think mainly because I've gotten up too quickly or something like that. But this was different yesterday, even slightly painful. After a couple of hours and a hot shower it eased and we went to brunch. But 15 minutes of walking around town afterward, it was back and painful.

We were heading home yesterday anyway, and hubby suggested I call the doctor. The nurse suggested I come in, and long story short(ened), everything is "perfect"! The nurses and doctors were awesome and made me feel very relaxed about coming in. The baby and my uterus are doing everything they're supposed to. The doctor thinks my discomfort was caused by the baby shifting -- he's now head-down! When they checked my cervix and measured it during an ultrasound his head was right there and that was a first. I noticed yesterday and today that his movements are different. I'm not getting the more pointed kicks and elbows jabs and such that I was getting before yesterday. He's moving, but I get more rounded pushes and softer kicks. I don't know how long that will last but I'll take it! Hopefully the baby will stay head-down (and stay in) for the next 11 weeks.

My sister is due in 8 weeks. 8 weeks! It sounds so close! It's amazing to think about what's going on inside us both. Every day is a blessing!

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