Friday, July 15, 2011

24 Weeks, 2 Days

Another week down! Still feeling good, minus one day when the little one had a 24-hour kickboxing session. Whew! I'm going to have to start keeping better track of when I take my heartburn medication too -- I sure can feel it later when I don't take it when I'm supposed to. My forgetfulness is reaching an all-time high, so I might have to resort to one of those pill boxes to help me remember if I actually swallowed the heartburn-preventing goodness.

I gained 7 pounds last month. 7 pounds! As I've said before, what the body does, the body does. So be it. But dude! I was talking to other moms the other day and laughing over how people say that "it all evens out!" You may have a 7-pound month followed by a no-weight-gain month. But you might also have a 7-pound month followed by another 7-pound month! Ha! Only time will tell. But I'm cutting back a bit on the ice cream desserts. Maybe just one scoop instead of two. ;)

Hubby and friend successfully ran the marathon! It was a lot hillier than we expected, but they both finished and didn't die and were in good spirits afterward. I definitely consider that a win. I ended up walking 6 or 7 miles from cheering point to cheering point (to cheering point to finish), and I can vouch for the hills! Hubby is talking about running another marathon (number 8) in October, two weeks before our due date. That's fine by me -- but we both know I'll be parking myself in one spot and not moving along the course!

At our doctor's appointment this week everything looked and sounded good. The heartbeat is supposed to be between 120 and 160 at this point -- and we were dead-on at 140. We saw the 4th doctor out of the 5 in the practice, and he was super nice and great when answering all of our questions. 24 weeks down!

How I Feel: Pretty good! Kicked. Often. (and loving it)
Bump Size: Growing every day it feels like. Regular-sized shirts are for sure not reaching my pants anymore.
Nursery Changes: Zippo. Oh wait, no. We bought an iPod docking station/speakers today on Woot. We debated which one we wanted but opted for the one they had magically on sale today -- it comes with a remote I figure will come in handy for mid-feeding song-changing moments. Maybe tomorrow Woot will have the carseat we want on sale...

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