Thursday, July 7, 2011

23 Weeks

Today I am 23 weeks and 1 day pregnant! The last 5 (and change) months have been amazing. We're due November 2, and I can.not.wait. We're having a baby boy and we just couldn't be more excited.

I feel like it took forever for me to be showing. Now that I'm showing I'm worried about how big I'll be growing! Last week I realized I'm showing and I have so many more weeks to... grow! But I also know that what the baby wants, the baby gets. What the body does, the body does, and it's all worth it for baby. I have to take better care of myself than I probably ever did before -- rest more, hydrate better, snack more. It becomes pretty clear pretty quickly when I haven't done those things. Walking with the hubby today around town we had to cut it short. I could feel my belly get tight and a bit uncomfortable. So home for more water and resting.

We got our crib and put it together! We have a 9-cube bookshelf and put a "family tree" on the wall. With my family so far away, and all sets of grandparents either passed away or not in great health, I really like having our family in a place the baby can grow up and see them every day. We're slowly but surely putting everything together, but we have plenty of time. We love figuring out every detail and plotting out every square inch of the room (okay well maybe that last part is mainly me haha) where we're likely to be spending a lot of time come the fall!

How I Feel: Awesome. Growing!
Bump Size: Definitely showing, but now I think I'm at the point where I'm finally realizing it and I've stopped bumping it into counters.
Cravings: Not really any. Pregnancy-long it's been olives. Really the green stuffed olives. Omg I love them. It's everything I can do not to eat an entire jar.
Nursery Changes: We put the crib together (!!) and hubby moved the bookshelf out of the baby's room and into a guest room.

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