Sunday, January 15, 2012

10 Weeks, 4 Days

I can't believe we're already at double-digit weeks! He's growing so fast. I guess really it seems like he goes a week without changing, and then he grows overnight. I get him from his crib in the morning and I feel like he's grown so much overnight.

At his two month checkup last week he weighed in at 11 pounds, 5.8 ounces. That's the 50th percentile. At 24 inches long he's in the 90-95th percentile for height. After our initial speedbumps with his eating and spitting up, it's wonderful to see how he's thriving.

He's growing in other ways too. Gone are the days of screaming through every diaper change. It still happens, but a lot less often. And his being calm doesn't mean he's about to pee on us, although that still happens too. He also doesn't always scream all the way through bath time. I think he likes the water warmer than I initially thought, and a warm baby is a happy baby.

He's in daycare twice a week, and so far his daily reports say he's "fantastic." He's also getting pampered -- everybody loves to cuddle with our little pumpkin!

These days he's in his crib sometime between 7pm and 9pm, up to eat at 1am and in the 5am hour. If his cousin is any guide, that means he may be sleeping through the night soon. That would be a-w-e-s-o-m-e. We'll see. Hubby is doing the 1am feeding and usually I take the 5am feeding, pumping right after. Neither of us would mind dropping that 1am feeding. We'll get there eventually.

I've started working a few days a week. I'm lucky not to have to work full-time. I'm picking up some very early writing shifts, but I'm surviving them so far and then I'm done a little after 11am. Hubby heads off to work and it's me and the bub for the day. We nap together, or he goes to daycare with Daddy and I get to nap for a few hours before getting some things done around the house or running errands.

Next up for us? Gearing up for Jack's first plane ride to visit my parents and see his aunt and uncle and cousin for the first time! Can't wait. :)

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