I made a crib skirt! Thanks to the folks over at YoungHouseLove, I made a crib skirt for the little one. We don't want to buy a full crib bedding set (we're going sans bumper), and I can't find a crib skirt I like for a reasonable amount of cash. Enter DIY. Hubby and I had fun picking out which fabric we wanted for our little guy. We ended up going with a flannel fabric with these little blue and white stars:

I exhibited an amazing level of patience and prewashed the fabric and ironed it before setting off on this adventure with scissors and the hemming tape (this girl isn't the best at sewing and I don't have a sewing machine).

Everything was going great. I finished the front panel and gave myself a little pat on the back. I finished one side panel, but when I went to test it out in the crib... problemo. This guy:

This support bar in our Graco crib kept the crib skirt from falling flat. Hmm. After a video chat with my mother to explain the situation and get her advice, I opted to put the crib skirt panel on, take apart the support bar, figure out where I needed a slit small enough to be able to get the screws through and have the support bar back flush against the sides of the crib... and cut. All the while hopefully getting the slit in the right place. And not having a bigger cut that you could see from the side.

Somehow -- success! This isn't the best picture, but it was late. And I was tired. And uncomfortable (did I mention I'm 7 months pregnant)? I'm SUPER psyched! I have some fabric left over and maybe could make a little pillow out of it or something. I'll try not to get ahead of myself. Especially since pillow likely means sewing. Not just ironing. :)
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