Hello third trimester! It's so exciting to be at this point of my pregnancy. Exciting is one adjective... sits alongside other ones like daunting and scary. :) It's just that it only gets more real. I keep thinking it's already real and then I have some other thought or realization that makes it even more real, somehow. Last night it was science projects. I'm 7 months pregnant -- why am I worried about science projects?? As my mom confirmed to me tonight, there will be no science projects our child will be responsible for in the first year.
When we went into the store to register for some baby things yesterday, we sat next to another couple as they filled out their paperwork. Seemingly unmarried, and very young. It made me think about how people of all different ages and levels of preparedness and self-sufficiency bring children into the world everyday. The husband and I are "as ready as you can be" and didn't decide to start a family on a whim. But that doesn't mean it isn't daunting. And that I don't lay awake at night wondering how we'll do it all and how we'll do it well. I don't doubt us in the least. But every day this gets more real!
Little one moves a ton, and I think he and I are sort of settling into a rhythm. Well, I guess I should really say that I'm getting used to his rhythm. He doesn't like me to cross my legs or lean forward. He's a night owl and an early bird. He's craving sweets. Maybe that last one is me. Hubby and I are going to hit the reservoir together tomorrow so maybe that'll make up for the Oreo cookies I bought today. Hopefully.
I have my glucose test in two days, so I'll be easing off the sweets tomorrow for sure. I don't know if that has any impact on the test, but I definitely want to pass it so I'll go sans cookies tomorrow.
We bought fabric to create a crib skirt today! The fabric is in the wash as I type. Light blue and white stars all over. I'm excited! So excited I'm doing laundry at 10pm so I can prewash the fabric. (Hubby is working late this week.) I like the thought of being artsy-craftsy/creative but am not so good at actually executing that. Maybe I'll be successful this time around. Should be simple enough. Fingers crossed!
I'm feeling great overall. My hips are bothering me a bit at the moment, but my heartburn has eased and that's a relief. As long as I don't pull a muscle rolling over at night, I'm good. My bellybutton is popping! It's flat now and the top is poking out. It's so funny... I feel like it was just weeks ago that I was googling around trying to see when it happens for pregnant women and now here I am!