Tuesday, July 26, 2011

25 Weeks, 6 Days

Baby has been causing a ruckus lately. My heartburn has been so bad today I was afraid if I bent over at the waist I'd throw up! Gross, right? My bad. I was going to run some errands this morning while hubby was at work but decided to sit tight and rest. When I talked to my sister she made the point that maybe the little one will come out with a full head of hair. He better come out with enough to donate at this rate! Whew. I've been trying my hardest to sit up as straight as can be after dinner and sleep propped up. Sometimes that is more successful than others.

Baby has also been kicking. or Kicking. So I can say he's Kicking with a capital K. He's super active at 5a, and the other day it was like he was trying to jump up and down on the bed -- every time I rolled from one side to the other he'd get his bearings, then start kicking the heck out of whichever side was down. Hubby has been working an early shift this week, so at least I don't worry about waking him up as I try and lull the baby back to sleep. I'm not sure if rocking helps, but I'm trying it. At least it gets me back to sleep. Eventually.

We had our first baby class last night -- infant care. We learned a few things that hopefully we won't forget in 3 months. Swaddling, bathing, diapering, and a bit about feeding among other things. We probably learned the most from the pediatrician who spoke about what to expect for the baby after the birth. The vitamin K shot, the various screening. He also talked about the importance of both skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth and an early breastfeeding session. I'm really looking forward to that time together!

Time to relax and watch the Mets win (fingers crossed). And drink some water to keep hydrated. :)

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