I hesitate to write this down because I don't want to jinx us. But it's been a few days and I'm really hoping we've turned a corner. Jack is sleeping through the night! He turned 13 weeks last week and ever since he's been sleeping from around 7:30pm until 5:30am. Major development that is welcomed with opened arms. And snoring parents. Two of the five nights he's woken up at 3:30am to eat, but he's lasted then until 7:30am. Both of those nights our pre-bedtime routine was thrown off and I'm hoping if we're on routine he'll last until morning. Fingers crossed.
I think our little guy is easing out of a growth spurt. Maybe. For the last week he's been eating 4oz bottles every two hours, not the previously-usual three hours. He won't take more than that, so it's not like we could just give him bigger bottles every three hours. He's being a little fussy with them sometimes as it is. That's new and hopefully on its way out. Maybe it has something to do with what I'm assuming is a growth spurt but I really have no clue.
He is a super cute and sweet boy. I do know that much. :)