He's 5 weeks old tomorrow! It's been quite a month. I'll write out my birth story soon, but it went really well. He was born on his due date! The pain was unreal -- imagine the most unbearable menstrual cramps. The pain during contractions was that -- but worse. The epidural was w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l. I'm not sure how women make it through childbirth without drugs. More power to them!
We've battled a bit of jaundice and some breastfeeding struggles. I'm now exclusively pumping after running into a painful latch at about 2 weeks. I can nurse if need be, but I prefer to pump and bottle feed. Jack does well with either, but bottle feeding makes it easier for us to gauge how much he's eating, gives me flexibility in my schedule, and it gives hubby the chance to take over a night feeding (or two). Jack spits up a fair amount (I know, most babies do)... so now I'm going dairy-free. We'll see if that improves the spitting up and how he's able to digest his food.
Last night Jack gave us 4-hour stretches of sleep. That was great! Hopefully that will continue until it gets better. Ha! We'll see.
Overall, I'd say we're out of survival mode and entering more enjoyment mode. Jack is awake more, is content to chill by himself and we're learning his cues. He's a great baby -- he only cries when he's hungry, he wants to be changed, or he's gassy. And he's adorable. :)